Green Coffee Beans Guide

Green Coffee Beans Guide

Green coffee beans are simply unroasted coffee beans. When coffee cherries, which are the fruits of the coffee plant, are picked, the beans inside are initially green. The process begins with cherry picking, often by hand, to ensure that only ripe ones are picked. After the cherries are picked, they go through a process called […]

How ​​to Choose The Right Coffee Beans For An Espresso Machine

How ​​to Choose The Right Coffee Beans For An Espresso Machine

Espresso is a method of preparing coffee, which consists of pushing a small amount of almost boiling water through finely-ground coffee beans. It is known for its rich, strong flavor and concentrated portion, which serves as the basis for many coffee drinks, such as cappuccinos and lattes. When choosing coffee beans for an espresso machine, […]

Home Coffee Bean Roasting

Home Coffee Bean Roasting

Home roasting of coffee beans has gained considerable popularity among coffee lovers in recent years.  Before starting the frying process itself, it is important to collect the necessary tools and equipment. The type of equipment you choose depends largely on your personal preferences and budget. The basic entry-level option is a stovetop popcorn popper that […]

How ​​to Grind Coffee Beans For Different Brewing Methods

How ​​to Grind Coffee Beans For Different Brewing Methods

One of the important steps in brewing great coffee is how to grind the coffee beans. The correct grinding of coffee beans ensures the best flavors, ensuring a pleasant experience with every cup. Depending on the cooking method, the grind size and consistency can vary significantly.  The primary purpose of grinding coffee beans is to […]

Coffee Bean Defects

How ​​to Grind Coffee Beans For Different Brewing Methods

When we imagine the perfect cup of coffee, our thoughts are filled with aromas and flavors that stimulate our senses. However, this perfect drink can be disturbed before it even starts to boil due to many unseen factors. An important, but often neglected element that strongly affects the quality of coffee is the presence of […]

Exotic Coffee Beans

Exotic Coffee Beans

Kopi Luwak is one of the most discussed and interesting coffee beans on the world market. It originates from Indonesia, particularly from islands such as Sumatra, Java, Bali, and Sulawesi. Kopi Luwak’s defining feature is its unique production process involving the Asian palm civet, a small mammal. Civets eat ripe coffee cherries, and the beans […]

Asian Coffee Beans

Asian Coffee Beans

Asia, a vast and diverse continent, is home to some of the most unique coffees in the world. Coffee growing in Asia spans many countries, each boasting different climates, altitudes, and soils that create distinctive flavor profiles. Understanding the diverse offerings of Asian coffee requires delving into the history, growing methods, and distinctive flavors of […]

Decaffeinated Coffee Beans

Decaffeinated Coffee Beans

To understand decaffeinated coffee, you must first understand the decaffeination process. Coffee beans naturally contain caffeine, and the challenge is to remove this substance while preserving the flavor that makes coffee unique. Several methods are used to achieve this delicate balance. One of the oldest and most common methods is the Swiss water process. This […]

Fermentation Of Coffee Beans

Fermentation Of Coffee Beans

Coffee is widely celebrated for its aroma and flavor properties, but few know about the complex fermentation process that significantly affects the final flavor profile. Fermentation is a microbial process that coffee beans undergo after harvesting. At this stage, microorganisms break down sugar and other compounds, creating a variety of flavors and aromas that determine […]

Kenya As A Coffee Producer

Kenya As A Coffee Producer

Kenya, an East African country known for its incredible landscapes and rich cultural heritage, is also a major player in the global coffee industry. Kenyan coffee has earned a prestigious place in the coffee world thanks to its distinctive flavor profile, often characterized by bright acidity, full body, and a winey aftertaste. The history of […]